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Chief Instructor, Mr. David Rogers

Black Belt Honor Roll — List of Taekwondo America First Degree Decided Black Belts and above since 1987.

About Taekwondo America

Taekwondo America as a martial arts organization was established in 1989 by its President, Mr. David Rogers, 4th degree black belt, as a way to structure taekwondo training. To date, Taekwondo America has trained thousands of martial artists of all ages in North Texas and the surrounding area. The goal of Taekwondo America is to promote the benefits of martial arts as a way of life, a means of self-defense, and an avenue toward mental and physical fitness.

Frequently Asked Questions for beginner students and parents.

Earning a Higher Rank Through Promotional Testing or, "How do I get a Yellow Belt?"

Belt Ranking System — Taekwondo America belt colors and ranks explained.

Student Oath and Six Tenets — Behavioral standards and code of ethics that we require of all students.

taekwondo board breaking demo
Mr. David Rogers demonstrates martial arts skills at a mall demonstration.